
Arequipa Dreams Inn Vallecito

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Arequipa Dreams Inn is a 10-minutes’ walk from the plaza de armas. Secure residential location. Spacious and bright rooms. We have a terrace that invites you to spend the whole morning eating breakfast with natural products from the region with views to the volcanoes misti and chachani. Featured shower with hot water. Free coca tea, chamomile, and anise. Internet-wifi throughout the hostel. Peruvian cooking classes.

Arequipa dreams inn is a 10-minute walk from the plaza de armas. Located in vallecito, only residential area in the center of the city, safe area, a few steps from plaza vea shopping center, banks and atms.

We offer private and share rooms:
- single room: 2 bedrooms (which count with a large bed of 2 plz, private bathroom, hot water 24hrs of the day, tv- cable, free wifi, table of studio and sofa).
- double room: 4 bedrooms (each room has a large bed of 2 plz and one of 1 ½ plz, private bath, hot water 24hrs of the day, tv- cable, free wifi, table of studio and sofa).
- triple room: 3 bedrooms (each room has 3 beds of 1 ½ plz, private bathroom, hot water 24hrs of the day, tv- cable, free wifi, table of studio and sofa).
- quadruple room: 2 bedrooms (each room has 4 beds of 1 ½ plz, private bathroom, hot water 24hrs a day, tv- cable, free wifi, table of studio and sofa).
- mixed bedroom: 1 bedroom of 4 beds (our room has 4 beds of 1 ½ plz, tv- cable, free wifi, table of studio and sofa, in relation to the bathroom is shared is near to the room).

Arequipa Dreams Inn Vallecito's Policies & Conditions:

Cancellation policy: 48h before arrival.

Check in from 11:00.
Check out before 11:00.

Payment upon arrival by cash, credit cards.

Taxes included.
Breakfast included ONLY for private rooms.

The reception is open 24 hours
No Curfew
The maximum period of stay is 14 days.
This property may pre-authorise your credit card.





  • 免费设施

    • 免费早餐‎
    • 免费停车
    • 免费市区地图
    • 免费WiFi
    • 免费上网
  • 综合设施

    • 自行车停放
  • 服务项目有

    • 机场接送
    • 行李存放
    • 旅游服务台
    • 货币兑换
    • 停车场
    • 客房整理
    • 插卡电话
    • 前台(限时)
  • 娱乐休闲

    • 宽带上网
    • 换书
    • 棋盘游戏
    • 有线电视
  • 食品和饮料

    • 供应餐饮
    • 咖啡馆
    • 咖啡用具和茶具
  • 厨房

    • 洗碗机
    • 炊具
    • 冰箱
    • 餐具
  • 洗衣服务

    • 洗衣设施
    • 熨斗/烫衣板
    • 洗衣机
  • 康体设施

    • 热水淋浴
  • 户外活动设施

    • 室外露台
  • 安全和安保

    • 储物柜
  • 卧室

    • 含床上用品
    • 包含毛巾
    • 读书灯
    • 吹风机
  • 收费项目

    • 延迟退房
