
Hostel Manuela in Vela Luka

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Welcome to Vela Luka, beautiful and friendly town on the western side of the Korcula island.
Get to know our culture, customs, people and the entire island, relax and have fun along the way!
About Hostel Manuela
Big and new Hostel with all the necessary things to enjoy your vacation!!!
Great place with a big garden and a lot of balconies from all the sides.
Very clean and comfortable.
Friendly host, and a very nice place to stay.
You will looooove it!

The best destination of ours is a small island Proizd with beautiful beaches for you to relax and enjoy the sun, and the sunset!
The beaches on Proizd island has been pronounced THE BEST BEACHES in Croatia in 2017 according to Ministry of the sea, Tourism, Transport and Development of Croatia!

Hostel Manuela is located 5 min walking distance from the city center.
Hostel Manuela Amenities

Free wifi
Kitchen ( fully equipped)
Laundry service
Free parking space

We can offer you everything to ensure you a comfortable stay .
If you feel like staying in, there is a big common area and terrace where you can exchange stories and meet fellow travelers.
We also offer a 24 hour shared kitchen facility with a fridge, stove top/hot plate and oven. There is speedy FREE WiFi throughout the hostel.

We also provide a Laundry service that includes washing, drying and folding for 10 euros .

This is not a fancy hostel, but is definitely cozy and it will hopefully soon feel like a second home!
I always do my best to make my guests feel welcome.
We are local to the area and speak English, German , Albanian and Croatian!
If you arrive at the ferry station, walk towards the city centre keeping the coater to your left.
1. take the first turn on the right (Ulica 63)
2. second turn on the left ( Ulica 56)
3. hostel is number 81
Little info/
Arriving from Split directly to Vela Luka there is a catamaran every day at 15.00h (2 hours trip)
Arriving from Split on a ferry everyday at 10.15 h
Another ferry leaves Split everyday at 17,30 h and lands on Vela Luka at 20,30h





  • 免费设施

    • 免费停车
    • 免费市区地图
    • 免费WiFi
    • 免费上网
  • 综合设施

    • 自行车停放
    • 会议室
  • 服务项目有

    • 行李存放
    • 24 小时前台服务
    • 停车场
  • 娱乐休闲

    • 宽带上网
    • 有线电视
    • Wi-Fi
  • 食品和饮料

    • BBQ烧烤
    • 咖啡用具和茶具
  • 厨房

    • 厨房
    • 洗碗机
    • 炊具
    • Microwave
  • 洗衣服务

    • 洗衣设施
  • 康体设施

    • 热水淋浴
  • 户外活动设施

    • 室外露台
  • 安全和安保

    • 24 小时保安
  • 社交区域

    • 公共活动室
  • 卧室

    • 含床上用品
    • Air Conditioning
    • 包含毛巾
    • 读书灯
    • 吹风机
  • 收费项目

    • 不包含早餐
    • 吹风机(可租用)
    • 快速入住/退房
