
Ethic Etapes Lac de Maine

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Welcome to Ethic Etapes Lac de Maine. Our hostel is situated 5 minutes from the center of Angers. We will offer you an excellent service at a budget price.
We have a restaurant with a wide varity of food for everyone.
We have both private and dorm rooms with showers, washbasins and toilets.

The hostel is located right beside the Parc de Loisirs du Lac de Maine, which was opened to the public in 1978. The park spreads out over an area of 220 hectares, with the lake covering an area of 120 hectares. It is a very interesting place for visitors and the people of Angers alike. It is possible to gain access to the town centre by the park, following the river Maine, through the Balzac park.

In the park you can relax, go orienteering, wandering, swimming, see the fauna and flora, run... or just simply meet people, eat or sleep. To do all this, 4 centres are available to you: the International Welcome Centre, the four stars Campsite, the Water sports Centre and the Environmental Centre.

Please note there is a local tax of €0.40 per night per person to pay on arrival





  • 免费设施

    • 免费早餐‎
    • 免费停车
    • 免费WiFi
    • 免费上网
  • 综合设施

    • 自行车停放
    • 会议室
  • 服务项目有

    • 行李存放
    • 24 小时前台服务
    • 旅游服务台
    • 邮政服务
    • 停车场
    • 前台(限时)
  • 娱乐休闲

    • 宽带上网
    • 撞球
    • Wi-Fi
  • 食品和饮料

    • 餐馆
    • 酒吧
    • 自动售货机
  • 无障碍设施

    • 无障碍通道
  • 洗衣服务

    • 熨斗/烫衣板
  • 康体设施

    • 热水淋浴
  • 安全和安保

    • 钥匙卡进出
    • 24 小时保安
  • 卧室

    • 包含毛巾
    • 读书灯