
Dragon’s Garden Dormitorio

免费取消 提前4天以上预订可免费取消。



Within the project Dragon’s Garden you can choose your stay either in one of our Bamboo lodges or in the Domitory. Dragon’s Garden is the perfect getaway for solo-travellers or couples who are seeking a regenerative experience close to nature.

The Concepcion volcano gives you a miracle morning feeling as well as a stunning and romantic sunset view. The terrace is equipped with a comfortable chair where you can relax, read your favourite book, or just observe the nature around.

All lodges have their own private Bathroom – enjoy your shower surrounded by Bamboo, your feet grounded on big stones connecting you to the land. Our restaurant offers a daily Breakfast, Coffee and Tea all morning, as well as fresh fruit snacks. The filtered water right from the volcano keeps you hydrated throughout the day. The area around is very spacious – feel free to explore our permaculture garden, interact with the local team or the volunteers to learn about our regeneration program. Find a shady place under the mango tree, in the floating garden or in the little Rancho for your time-out.

Dragon’s Garden Dormitorio Policy and Condition:

Cancellation Policy: 3 days before arrival. In case of a late cancellation or No Show, you will be charged the first night of your stay.

Check in from 14.00 to 20.00
Check out before 11.00

Payment upon arrival by cash
Taxes included
Breakfast not included

Reception from 07.00 to 20.00
No curfew
No special conditions





  • 免费设施

    • 免费停车
    • 免费WiFi
    • 免费上网
  • 综合设施

    • 自行车停放
  • 服务项目有

    • 停车场
    • 客房整理
  • 娱乐休闲

    • 宽带上网
    • Wi-Fi
  • 食品和饮料

    • 餐馆
    • 供应餐饮
    • t_CAF
    • 咖啡用具和茶具
  • 厨房

    • 冰箱
  • 洗衣服务

    • 洗衣设施
  • 户外活动设施

    • 室外露台
  • 安全和安保

    • 储物柜
    • 24 小时保安
  • 卧室

    • 含床上用品
    • 包含毛巾
    • 读书灯
    • 吊扇